
Dataset views: 1021

Events registered by the General Assistance Center (BPC), which were reported by the emergency number 112. Data are published from 2022. Reports of the same event by the same or different persons are combined into one event. Due to confidentiality, the data in the collection is divided into several tables: either the exact time of the event is given, but the location is not given, or the "noisy" coordinates of the events are given (shifting the actual coordinates in a random direction using a normal noise distribution with a standard deviation of 100 to 1000 meters, depending on the population density : lower population density - higher deviation) without exact time, or the municipalities of the events are presented, aggregated in time intervals of the size of a month. The numbers of reported events do not necessarily have to coincide with the data of the Register of Administrative Misdemeanors (reports may be false or may not reach the administrative offense case stage). The following are descriptions of the four individual tables. [1] BPC EVENT CLASSIFIER: A classifier of event types with verbal explanations. This is an auxiliary table to connect to the remaining three tables in this set. The classifier has two hierarchical levels (more general and more detailed). [2] BPC EVENT COORDINATES: A complete unaggregated list of registered events, where one row is one event. The table is intended to observe frequencies, dynamics and geographical distribution. Due to confidentiality, the provided coordinates are "noisy" and do not reflect the exact location of the event (they are more accurate in densely populated areas). BPC determines the coordinates based on the address of the event provided by the reporter and address data of the Registry Center; if a specific address is not provided or does not exist, the coordinates of the center of the settlement are indicated; the coordinates can also be adjusted according to the location data of the person requesting help, if it is not possible to determine the address or the settlement. Also, for reasons of confidentiality, the date of the event is given to the nearest month. [3] BPC EVENTS MUNICIPALITIES: territorial statistics of registered events by municipality, in monthly intervals. This is an aggregated table that combines a unique combination of the following attributes into one row: event type, municipality, year, month. The purpose of the table is to facilitate the observation of geographical distribution. Due to confidentiality, the exact date of the event is not given. [4] BPC EVENT TIME: Time of day statistics of registered events. This is an aggregated table that combines a unique combination of the following attributes into one row: event type, month, day of the week, hour, minute group (with 10-minute precision). For confidentiality reasons, the table is not aggregated by year (ie, data from all years are included), nor is the exact day of the month or location provided. The table is designed to track trends in the time of day of events, taking into account holidays and seasonality. The table contains an additional column that indicates how many specific days of the week (e.g., Mondays) are in the data for that time of year (e.g., July); this number is important for corrective analyses. FOR INQUIRIES: State Data Management Team:

User rating Not yet rated
Openness 4
Temporal coverage 2022-06-01
Categories Security services
Status Open
Licence Creative Commons Attribution 4.0

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Version Territory Title Period start Period end Size Format Published Modified
3 Visa Lietuva Pagalbos skambučių atviri duomenys 2022-06-01 UAPI 2022-10-07 2023-10-11 Open


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