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Data are provided on fluorinated greenhouse gases and ozone-depleting substances and mixtures imported from third countries, exported to third countries, imported from other EU countries and exported to other EU countries. Aggregate data are presented according to substance and mixture, country, nature of substance (recovered (RG) or not used (NE)) and action (imported from third countries (IM), exported to third countries (EC), imported from other EU countries (IS ) and exported to other EU countries (IS)).
User rating | Not yet rated |
Openness | 4 |
Temporal coverage | 2015-01-01 |
Updated | Once a year |
Categories | Environment |
Status | Open |
Licence | Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 |
Catalog |
Responsible person | Lina Vilniškė, |
Creation date | 2021-11-08 09:58:33 |
Renewal date | 2022-12-01 14:43:06 |
Distribution terms | Platinimo sąlygos neribojamos |