
Dataset views: 349

States Parties undertake to ensure the capacity provided for in Annex 1 to the World Health Organization (WHO) International Health Regulations (2005) (hereinafter referred to as the IHR) and to keep the WHO informed of the progress of the implementation of the IHR on an annual basis. In order to facilitate the implementation of the commitments, the WHO Secretariat shall provide States Parties annually with a tool for self-assessment of the IHR, which provides standardized information on the progress made in the implementation of the MDG.

User rating Not yet rated
Openness 1
Temporal coverage 2021-05-27
Updated Once a year
Categories Health protection
Status Open

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Version Territory Title Period start Period end Size Format Published Modified
1 Kauno apskritis STATE PARTY SELF-ASSESSMENT ANNUAL REPORTING TOOL 2021-05-27 PDF 2021-05-27 2021-05-27
1 Kauno apskritis STATE PARTY SELF-ASSESSMENT 2021-06-03 PDF 2021-06-03 2021-06-03


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