VĮ Žemės ūkio duomenų centras
WMS peržiūros paslauga. Duomenų šaltinis: 1975-1978 ir 1989-1990 m geologinio kartografavimo žemėlapis (masteliu 1:500 000/1:200 000) sukurtas pagal: 1.Gelumbauskaitė L. Ž., 1996 (1995). Bottom relief and genesis of the Gotland depression. Baltica 9, 65–75. 2.Gelumbauskaitė L. Ž., 1999. Sub–Quaternary surface of the south– eastern Baltic Sea. Baltica 12, 15–18. (Proceedings of the Fifth Marine Geological Conference, Special Publication). 3.Grigelis A., 2011. Research of the bedrock geology of the Central Baltic Sea. Baltica 24 (1), 1–12. 4.Grigelis A., Flodén T. (chief scientists); contributors Bjerkéus M., 5.Gelumbauskaitė L.Ž., Repečka M., Jokšas K., Šimkevičius P. (contributors), 1994. Joint Lithuanian–Swedish marine geologicalgeophysical expedition: Report of investigations in the Central Baltic / cruise of R/V ,,Vėjas” No. 6/48, June 17–July 2, 1993, No. 14/56, August 20–September 8, 1994. Department of Baltic Marine Geology, Institute of Geology, Vilnius; Department of Geology and Geochemistry, Stockholm University. Vilnius–Stockholm, Institute of Geology, 1994, 23 pp.